Some of my favorite things...

My first love is country decorating
followed by
vintage goods made new again...make-dos
I love to go to antique shops
and thrift stores to see
at I may find...


Welcome to my little spot in the world...
My name is Tonja and I love to make crafts and find vintage
things to bring to new life again
I love vintage,country and old fashioned farmhouse and primitive decor...



Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It came today...

My table runner came in the mail
today and OMG is it adorable...I love
it now just have to find the right place
to put it....Thank you again girls...
everyone make sure you go check out
their sites and check out all their goodies....
~*Prim Blessings*~


1. My Colonial Home said...

tonja it's adorable....I had to check out a previous post but found it....I LOVE IT.

2. ~Tonja~ said...

Hi Karen...sorry about that wasn't
Thanks for stopping by...

3. Melissa Miller said...

Hi Tonja,
Thank you very much for visting my blog and becoming a follower.
I really appreciate it.
You're always welcome!

Your blog is so pretty and inspiring. I'll be back to visit you again soon.

Have a blessed evening.
~Warmly, Melissa :)

4. The Tattered Cottage said...

Hi Tonja -
Thanks for visiting and becoming a follower of my blog :) I love your new table runner. And your blog is really pretty..I already visited your "Olde Thyme Gatherings" and can't wait to see all the wonderful items you will have there.

5. Anonymous said...

I had to make a NEW blog due to email issues so please head over to my new place and follow me please
thank you

6. Julie said...

I love it! What a great treasure.
Thanks for becoming a follower of my Blog...;) Have a wonderful day!!! Julie

7. The Cottage Girl said...

Hello Tonja,
I saw your comment on The Vintage Housewife and came to visit YOUR blog. It's delightful! I noted you are a very lucky person with all your winnings. Have you been to Vegas or bought a lottery ticket?
You should!!!

I added you to my blog list and will stop back often.

The Cottage Girl

8. ~Tonja~ said...

Thanks girls...and thanks for stopping visiting all of your blogs...

9. Loretta said...

Hi Tonja! Thank you for visiting my site. It's always nice to meet another prim lover! I love the I Love Lucy house so much that I went out and bought the entire series which included all the shows of the house in Connecticut. If you watch any of those shows you will see that to the left of the staircase is the front door and to the right of the staircase is the door to the back patio. There is a third door in the kitchen area, also on the same wall, that they didn't show too often, and never showed you where that one led too. I realize it was just a Hollywood set but boy did I want that look. I'm off to check out your sites now. Have a great weekend! Hugs, Loretta

10. The Vintage Housewife... said...

hello darlin what an adorable goodie...i am so very very honored that you have my sweet lil' photo on your blog...and a big thank you for miss ruthanne's as well i will share with her your love and kind words...we chit chat about that sort of girl red button at the top of my blog will link you directly to my blog if you want that sugar pie farm house...i enjoy your prim country style...very very farm girl...which i so wanna be...envy girl envy...loven your

11. Thistle Cove Farm said...

That's really pretty!

12. Frugalious Living said...

Hi Tonya!

I love your blog! You make beautiful things. My dream is to be able to create, but for now I am off to work a 9hr shift at a desk job.....Patience is not my strongest suit ;)

LOVE your blog, I will be back.


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