Some of my favorite things...

My first love is country decorating
followed by
vintage goods made new again...make-dos
I love to go to antique shops
and thrift stores to see
at I may find...


Welcome to my little spot in the world...
My name is Tonja and I love to make crafts and find vintage
things to bring to new life again
I love vintage,country and old fashioned farmhouse and primitive decor...



Sunday, May 10, 2009

~Happy Mother's Day~

Wishing everyone a Happy Mother's Day..
been out of town for the last few days just got home with a hurt back so off to bed with
pain pills and a heating pad...
~*Prim Blessings*~


1. OldeAnniePrimitives said...

Hi sorry to hear about your back. What'd you go and do? Sure hope the pills and pad do the trick! ~~Annie

2. Kim @ Everything Etsy said...

I hope you are feeling better. Your blog has a great look!

Take care!


3. ~Tonja~ said...

Hi girls...thanks I am feeling some better
thanks for stopping by...

4. E Craft Classes said...

Feel better soon!

5. Sue said...

Sure hope you are better now...Will say a few prayers for you...Love having you stop by...

6. 1sagenutmeg said...

Sorry i missed you when you dropped by. I have my site fixed up to except now.Hope you get to feeling better. Your site is awesome i love it.

7. 1sagenutmeg said...

Tonja.. you dropped by again at my site put yourself as one of my follwers and left a comment. It was on my make sourdough bread posts. I did something to that post it is gone.
I don't know where the post went. Or what i did to it. Hope this does'nt cause u to think i am too much trouble ha

8. Mama B said...

I'm so sorry to hear your back is hurting (that's a particularly bad pain ~ affects everything else, doesn't it?) Stretch, stretch, stretch and lay flat! =) Feel better soon.

9. Lois Christensen said...

Hoping you're feeling better!


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