Some of my favorite things...

My first love is country decorating
followed by
vintage goods made new again...make-dos
I love to go to antique shops
and thrift stores to see
at I may find...


Welcome to my little spot in the world...
My name is Tonja and I love to make crafts and find vintage
things to bring to new life again
I love vintage,country and old fashioned farmhouse and primitive decor...



Monday, April 20, 2009

I Won 2 more...

Yep I won 2 more giveaways...
I won this adorable sheep from
Sue at palette primitives and it is totally awesome and
big...just look isn't it cute...
still have to find the right spot to
place him...Thank you Sue...
and then I won all this stuff
from the Exhibitors Mall...Thank you
girls...lots of wonderful can click on the pics
and they will take you to their
sorry I didn't get this posted sooner
haven't felt to good the past few days...
~*Prim Blessings*~


1. tattered 'n torn prims said...

Well Miss Tonja.....aren't you just the luckiest girl on the block!!! Congrats on the huge score!!! What teeeeerific treasures!!! Yay!!!!

Big hugs!!

2. Never So Simple said...

Lucky you I love that sheep.


3. ~Tonja~ said...

Thanks girls...I sure have been lucky
lately...and I love it...still can't believe it though...I need to think of
something that I can do in return..
gonna have to think on that one for a while...
Prim Blessings...

4. E Craft Classes said...

Congrats Tonja! Hope you're feeling better soon.

5. Cat Russell said...

Hi Tonja, Congrats on ur giveaway winnings.. some awesome stuff.. Thanks so much for 'wearing' my blinkie.. and signing my guestbook.. I could look over ur blog for hours, lol, so many lovely things to see..

Have a blessed day..

6. Liane said...

Well, Congrats to you, Tonja! That sheep IS so cute! I hope you're feeling better - get lots of rest!! Blessings . . . . .

7. ~Tonja~ said...

Thanks feeling a lot better today...just

8. My Colonial Home said...

I'd say buy lotter tickets and go gamble cuz it's your time!!!!
Lucky you.
Great wins.

9. Jacque said...

Thank you for following my blog, I came over to see see yours and you have introduced me to some new areas! Your blog is cute and I too am lucky I just recently won my fourth blog giveaway this year, take care~Jacque


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